These planograms barely incorporate the features of commercial equipment, and products can be easily confused, because they often differ in only one detail. Often these are ordinary tables with the names of goods inscribed in the cells. Planograms are usually prepared using MS Power Point and MS Excel software and printed out. Obsolete Methods: Microsoft Excel Or Microsoft PowerPoint
Mike Savitsky, tech lead of merchandising automation solutions at IBA Group, explores how modern technologies are changing the way planogramming is undertaken and how this can benefit European manufacturers and retailers. If the planogram is poorly prepared and the layout does not correspond to it, this can mean losses for retail operators. To do this, they use a planogram, which can both make the work of the merchandiser easier and complicate it. Therefore, merchandisers need to make sure that they are able to quickly and correctly deliver this product. It is vital for retailers to ensure the customer is always able to find the desired product on the shelf.